Invoices module

This article describes the Vendor Portal of the XTRF Platform. To learn about the Home Portal, see the Home Portal section of XTRF Knowledge base.

In this module, you can create new invoices for finished jobs and monitor the payment status of those already submitted. 

  • In the Invoice Specifications card, you can check the jobs that have available specifications and add new invoices upon those specifications (see the Add Invoice upon Specification section below).

  • In the Unpaid / Partially Paid Invoices card, you can check the invoices that haven’t been paid yet and take a shortcut to the related jobs in the Jobs column.

  • In the Paid Invoices card, you can see the already paid invoices. Click on the invoice to see its details and download the invoice file provided by your customer.

Click the icon to change the number of invoices displayed per card.

Add a new invoice

  1. Click the Add New Invoice button in the top right-hand corner. You will be directed to the New Invoice page.

  2. In the Jobs to be Invoiced card, select the jobs you want to invoice from the Add Jobs drop-down list.


  3. In the Enter invoice details card:

    1. Provide the Invoice No. and Invoice Date.

    2. Select the Payment Method from the drop-down list.

    3. Select the invoice signer from the Signed by drop-down list.


  4. (Optional) In the Upload Invoice File section, upload your invoice:

    • Drag and drop the file to the DROP FILES HERE area, or

    • Click the Add Files button and select the file on your local machine


  5. In the last card:

    1. (Optional) Click the Write additional notes for … link to add notes about the invoice.

    2. Check the box to confirm that the amount of the attached invoice corresponds to the Gross Total from the Enter invoice details card.


  6. Click the Add Invoice button at the bottom of the page.

Add an invoice upon specification

  1. Click the Add Invoice upon Specification button in the Invoice Specifications card. You will be directed to the New invoice upon specification page.


  2. (Optional) Click the link on the info panel at the top of the page to download the specification.

  3. In the Enter invoice details card:

    1. Provide the Invoice No. and Invoice Date.

    2. Select the Payment Method from the drop-down list.

    3. Select the invoice signer from the Signed by drop-down list.

  4. In the Jobs approved for invoice, check the details of the jobs you can invoice.


  5. (Optional) In the Upload Invoice File section, upload your invoice:

    • Drag and drop the file to the DROP FILES HERE area, or

    • Click the Add Files button and select the file on your local machine.


  6. In the last card:

    1. (Optional) Click the Write additional notes for … link to add notes about the invoice.

    2. Check the box to confirm that the amount of the attached invoice corresponds to the Gross Total from the Enter invoice details card.


  7. Click the Add Invoice button at the bottom of the page.