Open and manage requests in XTRF Help Desk

Whenever you need an upgrade, look for a custom solution, or have issues with the XTRF Platform, you can seek help from our Support team. To do so, you have to create a request on our dedicated support platform.

To submit your first request, create a Help Desk account.

During implementation, we will add your company to our client database. Only after that will you be able to create a Help Desk account. You will be informed about that by our Implementation team in due course.

Create a Help Desk account

  1. Go to the XTRF Service Desk page.  

  2. In the form on the right, provide your company name, your name, and your e-mail.
    The Position and Your Phone fields are not obligatory, but we kindly ask you to provide this information for the Customer Success team's needs.

    The e-mail address must be affiliated with your company. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be processed.

  3.  Click the Send button.

  4. As soon as the Support team processes the request, you will receive a welcoming e-mail with a sign-up link.


  5.  Follow the link and set up your name and password for the Help Desk account.


  6. Click the Save and continue button. You will be directed to the XTRF Help Desk space.

You can edit your name, change your password, and specify your language and time zone in your profile. To open the profile, click the icon in the top right-hand corner.

Add a Help Desk request

  1. Log in to the XTRF Help Desk.

  2. Select the request type:

    • XTRF is down - report a system malfunction.

    • Customization request - ask for custom modifications.

    • Update/Upgrade - request a system update or upgrade.

    • Bug Report - report an issue with an XTRF product.

    • Query - ask for extra information about XTRF functionality.


  3. You will be directed to the request page.

    Note: You can change your request type by selecting another option from the What can we help you with drop-down menu.

  4. Please, read the notices below the request type section. Depending on the selected request type, they may contain crucial security information or links to important documents.

  5. In the Summary field, briefly specify your issue or request.

  6. In the Description field, describe the problem or elaborate on your query.

  7. For Bug reports: Specify the issue frequency.


  8. For Customization requests, Bug reports, and Queries: select the severity level.

    • Blocker: An error with a major negative impact on the functionality of the whole system that makes it impossible to use the system, such as:

      • the system cannot be started

      • multiple users cannot log in

      • a critical business operation cannot be performed.

    • Critical: An important time-sensitive matter, e.g., an issue that does not impede your company's operations but significantly slows the work.

    • Major: An important issue that is nevertheless not crucial to your company's stability and development.

    • Minor: Functionality inquiry that is not time-sensitive.

    • Trivial: Low-priority issue that has an insignificant influence on your company's operations.

      Note: The XTRF is down requests are automatically assigned a blocker severity level, while the Update/Upgrade requests are assigned a critical severity level.

  9. (Optional) In the Attachment section, add screenshots or other relevant files.


  10. In the Share with section, decide whether you want to share the request with another user from your company or keep it private.


  11. Click the Send button at the bottom of the page. Our Support team will now process your request and notify you about any changes by e-mail.

Manage the requests

After you send the request, it will appear in the Requests section. To open it, click the Requests button in the top right-hand corner. The drop-down menu will appear, where you can select which request you want to check: those created by you, all the requests from your company, or both.

Click on the selected option. You will be directed to the Requests page.


Here you can: 

  • Use the filters on top to locate the desired request.

  • Check the requests’ status.

  • Click on the selected request to open it.

 To return to the landing page, click the XTRF Help Desk link in the top left-hand corner.


On the selected request page:

  • Check the responses and questions from our Support team.

  • Provide comments or answers, and attach additional files in the Add a comment field.

  • Enable or disable the notification for this particular request.

  • Share your request with other users from your company, or stop the sharing.