Top menu bar

The Home Portal top menu bar is a multifunctional tool that offers the following:

  • Quick and easy navigation through the portal

  • Access to the portal and personal settings

  • Shortcuts to the frequently used actions

  • Additional handy menus


Home page shortcut

On the left-hand side of the top menu bar, you will find the shortcut to your Home Portal home page. The name of your instance next to the icon is set during the XTRF installation process.

Search and history field

Use this field to search for specific activities, documents, or profiles in XTRF. Start typing the desired name or number, and the drop-down list of fitting entities will appear, divided into entity type-related sections.

The results are sorted from the most recently opened to the latest ones.

The results are limited by rights given to the logged-in user. To learn more about user rights in XTRF, see the User Management - User Groups and Rights article.

Actions menu

From the Action drop-down menu, you can take shortcuts to different Add… pages of the Home Portal.

Click on the button and then select the entity you want to create.

To learn more about creating different entities, see the Add… sections of the Opportunities, Quotes, Projects, Clients, Vendors, and Invoicing module articles.


If something goes wrong with your Smart projects or quotes, you will be informed about it in the notifications section of the top menu bar.

You will be notified about the following issues:

  • One or more jobs did not start as planned

  • One or more jobs weren’t finished on time

  • A vendor has overlapping jobs on their schedule

  • No one has responded to the Automatic job offers

The number of issues will be displayed next to the icon.

  1. Click on the icon to expand the notifications menu. The issues are listed in order of occurrence.

  2. Click on a project, quote, or vendor to open the related page.

    • For projects and quotes, the issues will be listed on top of the page in the Issues card.


    • For vendors, the overlapping jobs will be color-marked in the Vendor’s Current Jobs table.


The notifications will be displayed until the related issues are resolved.

Users will see notifications only about projects and quotes where they are assigned as project managers.


Click on the icon to sign in to the XTRF Chat.


To learn more about the XTRF Chat, see the XTRF Chat section in the XTRF UserEcho Knowledge base.

Work log menu

In the Work log drop-down menu, you can log the time spent on different activities.

To log your time:

  1. Click on the menu.

  2. Click on the activity you want to log the time for. You will be directed to the Work Log page, where the Log Work pop-up window appears.


    1. You can select another activity from the Activity drop-down list.

    2. (Optional) Provide a description.

    3. Enter the Time spent on the activity.

    4. Click the Log Work button.

  3. You will be directed to your Timesheet, where you can log other activities for different dates:


    1. Select the desired date.

    2. Click the Log Work button.

    3. Provide the information as described in step 2 above.

Help menu

In the help menu, you can:

  • Click the What’s on This Page button to find information about the XTRF area you are currently located in.

  • Click the Help Topics button to take a shortcut to the XTRF Knowledge base.

  • Click the Report Problem button to take a shortcut to the XTRF Help Center.

  • Click the About button to check the system information, such as the current version of your XTRF and component applications, license information, etc.

Configuration menu

Click the icon to open the configuration menu on the left.

Personal settings

In the personal settings menu, you can:

  • Take a shortcut to the My Account area, where you can check or edit your account details

  • Change your password

  • Sign out from XTRF.

My Account

The My Account section consists of the information from the user profile (see the User Management - Edit a user profile article) and additional personal settings every user can set for themselves.

General Info tab

In this tab, you can check or change the information provided during the profile creation (see the User Management - Users - Add a new user article). Also, you can add your accounts in the CAT tools services:

  1. Click the username in external system link in the Username section. The Partner Aliases pop-up window appears.


  2. From the System Name drop-down list, select the desired CAT tool.

  3. Provide the user’s Name in external system

  4. Provide the user’s Password in the CAT tool.

  5. Click the Add button.

  6. (Optional) Repeat the steps from 2 to 5 for other CAT tools.

  7. Click the Save button.

Social Media tab

 In this tab, you can add your photo and information about your accounts on social media.

  • Click the Add Social Medium button to add another account.

  • If you add several accounts, you can set the preferred one with the Preferred radio button.

  • To add a profile photo, click the Upload image file button.

Mailboxes tab

In this tab, you can create your personal mailbox that will be used throughout the system:

  1. Click the Add button on top of the Mailboxes table. The Add Mailbox pop-up window appears.


  2. Provide the Name of the mailbox.

  3. (Optional) Select a desired date in the Show E-mails Newer than field.

  4. Decide whether the mailbox should be an Active one.

  5. Decide whether the mailbox should be a Default one.

  6. Provide the Host and Port for the e-mail account (check the details with the e-mail provider).

  7. Check the SSL box to enable SSL encryption.

  8. In the Username field, provide the e-mail address.

  9. Provide the Password for this address.

  10. (Optional) Check the Save Sent E-mails in Folder box to collect all XTRF e-mails where this user was listed as the sender in a separate folder.

  11. (Optional) Provide the custom Sent Folder Name.

  12. (Optional) Click the Check Settings button to test the connection with your e-mail provider.

  13. Click the Apply button. The mailbox is added to the Mailboxes table.

Main Settings tab

In this tab, you can set your data format preferences.

  1. With the radio button, switch between the System Values and User-defined Values columns to select whether you will use system or user-defined formatting.

  2. After switching to the User-defined Values column, provide new formats according to your preferences.

  3. In the Format Previews column, you can check how the data will be presented.

  4. Click the advanced link to open time zone-related settings. Click the basic link to collapse them.

  5. Click the Save button.

Keyboard Shortcuts tab

In this tab, you can set custom keyboard combinations for shortcuts to different Home Portal areas.

  1. With the radio button, switch between the System Values and User-defined Values columns to select whether you will use system or custom combinations.

  2. After switching to the User-defined Values column, provide new combinations according to your preferences.

  3. Click the Save button.

CRM tab

In this tab, you can set your preferences for CRM-related notifications.

  1. With the radio button, switch between the System Values and User-defined Values columns to select whether you will use system or custom settings.

  2. After switching to the User-defined Values column, provide new settings according to your preferences.

  3. Click the Save button.

Views tab

In this tab, you can check to which views you have access and delete the unwanted ones.

Directories Mapping tab

In this tab, you can match the folders on the XTRF server with the ones on your local machine.

  1. Provide the Server Side Directory name.

  2. Provide the Local Directory name.

  3. Click the Add Folder Mapping button.

  4. Click the Save button.

Access Tokens tab

In this tab, you can generate and check the tokens enabling connection to the Home Portal API.

To get a new token:

  1. Click the Generate Access Token button. The generated token appears on the page.


  2. (Optional) Provide a Description for future reference.

  3. Copy the token to the clipboard.
    Warning: After you click the Save button, access to this token will be lost, so don’t skip the copying step.

  4. Click the Save button. The token disappears, but you can check its Description and the Last Access date in the list of access tokens.

Change Password

To change your password, provide your Current Password, then enter and confirm your New Password. Click the Save button to apply the changes.